Well today was another day off so it was rather cloudy and not raining for a change so I decided to head to London to visit the Anish Kapoor Exhibition at the Royal Academy of the Arts. along the way I quickly snapped this squirrel at St James Park. Something about squirrels today I saw many.
Anish Kapoor sculpture at the entrance of the Royal Academy.
The National Portrait Gallery.
The Waterloo Bridge on the way to Somerset House to visit the Courtauld Gallery which housed some of the most famous paintings by Renoir, monet, Van Gogh to name but a few.
A falcon on the window sill of the Somerset House.
The Waterloo Bridge on the way to Somerset House to visit the Courtauld Gallery which housed some of the most famous paintings by Renoir, monet, Van Gogh to name but a few.
A falcon on the window sill of the Somerset House.